
Posts Tagged ‘visual’

I created this visual summary of my skills and experiences.

It was a good little design exercise that helped me evaluate and reflect on my career and work life.

Some ‘stats’

  • I have worked for about 20 years
  • I have changed jobs / position about every 2 years
  • the first 7 or so years of my career’s ‘life’ was all about web and multimedia design and development
  • the 7 to 14 years was all about teaching and course facilitation
  • the 13 to 20 years has been about using both of skill areas
  • the next 7 years? I’m sharpening my skills, knowledge and experiences in Instructional Design and eLearning
Skills and experience

The final ‘skills and experience’ visual summary.

The following are images from the design process.

Skills and experience

A photocopy of my design book with the initial idea. Before it was on paper the idea came to me as I was having breakfast one morning.

Skills and experience

The first raw layout with the timeline concept, (Photoshop printout).

Skills and experience

Layout with work experience, (Photoshop printout).

Skills and experience

Layout with some of the software program icons added. It was fun to look for all the old program icons. Amazing how such a small visual icon can hold so many memories, (Photoshop printout).

Skills and experience

First draft with amendments. I tested this with my wife and some work colleagues. I asked them to pretend they did not know me, look at the image for 3 min then what have they learnt about me. I received some really good feedback on improvements that I’ve included, (Photoshop printout).

Skills and experience

The final ‘skills and experience’ visual summary, (same as first image above).

What would I further improve?

  • extend the timeline to show future career path- my career goals
  • add a legend to indicate skill levels, eg a 5 star system for each piece of software

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